Who we are

Appreciating the enormous spontaneous manifestation of the Buddhist principies of four Brahma Viharas (the Four Most Noble Abodes of Living) in Buddhists of Sri Lanka and other parts of the world when the Tsunami killing nearly 150,000 men, women and children and attracting global attention, hit Sri Lana, Thailand, Indonesia and some other South East Asian countries on the 26th day of December 2004.it was resolved by those who came from 22 countries, with firm determination, to establish an international organization of Buddhist national associations for humanitarian services in accordance with the noble exhortation of the Budda to set about for the welfare of others (parattham patipajjatha), ath the Global Conference o Buddhist Humanitarian Services in a Post Tsunami Context heldin Colombo, Sri Lanka on 19th and 20th March2005. Red Lotus is the outcome of this decisionof the Global conference. All local participants to the above Conference were invited and in March 2006, the National Buddhist Organization for Humanitarian Services was formed with the name ‘Red Lotus Organisation’. Its membership is open to any local organization that accepts its Mission as set out in its constitution.

Our Vision

To be of service to humanity at times of disaster with thoughts of loving kindness, compassion, appreciative joy and equanimity and to promote the earth friendly Buddhist way of living as the only means of minimizing and understanding such disasters.

Our Mission

To prevent and alleviate suffering of all beings at times of disaster of any nature by bringing about greater preparedness at local and national levels through effective co-ordination collaboration and networking and by acting as a resource bank for humanitarian services based on the four brahmavitharas, namely, metta, karuna, mudita and upekkha; and to promote the Buddhist way of living as a means of understanding and responding to such disasters.